7 Feb 2017

Exercise routine for cyclists - Day 3

I haven't exercised properly since the last time I posted about my exercise routine and today, due to a very stressful time at work and home.

I won't go into details of my personal life, nor my work life, but I am pleased to say today I started exercising again!

Now, before I post about the routine, let's just mention that a recent study has found people who post their exercise routines on Facebook have psychological problems. Oh well...

So here it goes. Obviously I needed to get some total body exercise routine and my Day 3 routine on VT Vipr looks like this:

The reason for having some exercises appear twice in the list is to take into account the left/right alternation: I do one set with say the left leg/arm, and the next set of the same exercise with the right leg/arm.

I set the app to run three sets of each exercise, 30 seconds in duration, with 30 seconds rest.

I used the 8Kg ViPR for the jumps and Ice Skater, and the 4Kg ViPR for the rest of the routine, which was heavier on the arms and shoulders.

At 23 minutes in duration, this was a good workout.

I have also decided that instead of performing these routines in the morning, I will perform them mostly in the evening before bed. This should ensure I actually fall asleep quicker and get a better rest for the morning.

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